Quarter-turns can be used as latch mechanisms for many applications. In general, they consist of a housing, an insert, a nut, a locking cam and a screw for mounting on individual parts.
The DIRAK-SNAP-Technology series has been specially developed for demanding industrial environments and makes the fast assembly of our components child’s play: Without tools, the DIRAK-SNAP-Technology products can be simply inserted in sheet metal panels and enclosures.
We have optimized our assortment of handles for a large number of applications, for example, Handles for mechanical engineering and toolbuilding, Handles for the electrical industry, Handles for medical engineering and the health sector...
With E-LINE by DIRAK access and locking systems for housings, we aim to make access more secure, more convenient and more cost effective. These mechatronic systems secure housings against unauthorized opening more reliably, simplify organization and measurably increase cost effectiveness.
So that you feel safe and secure at all times, we also offer rod latches for a multi-point locking, which facilitate a particularly safe and secure locking of doors.
In comparison with a simple quarter-turn, swinghandles offer a much higher torque. With these latches, access control to server racks can be professionally managed, for example.
In addition to standard latches, we offer many latch systems for special applications; for example: Snap/push locks, compression latches, quick release fasteners.
From easy handling to flexible application all the way to quick and easy attachment, we offer you innovative solutions and top-quality products in the area of cable management.